Welcome to the electronic version of the Cognitive Profile Test.

On our pages, you will find online Cognitive and Sensorimotor Profile Test tasks that can also be used by teachers. Our series of tasks will not provide complex results. It will however reveal the ability structure of the individual tested. You can find more information about the test method by clicking on the Description menu item.


We will continuously develop and improve the tasks which means refinement and clarifications can occur at any time. Your constructive suggestions and criticisms are very welcome!


If you have any technical problems using the test, please feel free to contact us at zeno@contenet.hu 


Best regards. Wishing you successful use,,


Prof. dr. Gyarmathy Éva
Zénó Szabó


Number of users: 56682

The total number of solved tasks: 694229



I am a parent/student and would like to try the test

If you are a parent or student and would like to try the test, you do not need to register, but you will need a login code and password to access the test. You can generate the login code and password pair on the page below:

Generate access code

Please note the generated access code and password pair (e.g. send it to yourself by email) so you can log in later using the same code. This way you can monitor the changes in your cognitive profile over time.

I am a teacher, I want to use the test regularly

If you are an educator or psychologist and would like to test your students with the Cognitive Profile Test from time to time, you will need a teacher registration to generate access codes for your students. With a teacher registration, you will also have the possibility to download the results in groups.

Teacher registration

I already have a teacher registration, I log in

I am a university student, I would like to use the test for my thesis

Are you a university student and want to use the test for your thesis? No problem! You will need a teacher registration to generate an access code for test takers and download the results.

More useful information can be found at diszlexia.huon the University Students page by clicking on the menu item.

I am a researcher ...

If you would like to use the test for complex research or if you need additional specific tests during your research, please contact us!