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The Sensorimotor and Cognitive Profile Test assesses the essential basic functions and skills necessary for the development of academic ability. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of an individual's or group's strengths and areas for improvement, and to use this data to create an effective development plan and personalised teaching strategies tailored to the group's specific needs. Data-driven decision-making is particularly important for learners from low socio-cultural backgrounds and/or those with neurodevelopmental needs.
The predecessor of the current test is the Hungarian adaptation of the International Cognitive Profile Test (Smythe, 2002), a multilingual assessment tool designed to assess dyslexia in different languages (Gyarmathy, Smythe, 2000; Smythe, 2002). An earlier online version of the Cognitive Profile Test has been used in several research studies (Kertzman et al. 2017; Gyarmathy et al. 2019; 2021).
The latest version of the test is multilingual and can be administered in English, German, Spanish, Finnish, Hungarian and Ukrainian. This feature enables the assessment of multilingual children and facilitates its use in comparative research.
The items are designed to be engaging and provide a sense of competence, making children eager to take the test. The test is free of charge and can be used by teachers without special training for the online version.

More information
Gyarmathy É. (2009) Kognitív Profil Teszt. Iskolakultúra 3-4. 60-73.
Gyarmathy É, Smythe, I. (2000) Többnyelvűség és az olvasási zavarok. Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle. December. 63-76.
Gyarmathy É, Gyarmathy Zs, Szabó Z, Pap A & Kraiciné Szokoly M (2019) Tizenévesek és felnőttek kognitív profiljának online mérése. Opus et Educatio, 6. évfolyam 3. szám, pp. 297-309. http://opuseteducatio.hu/index.php/opusHU/article/view/330/574
Gyarmathy, Gyarmathy Zs, Szabó Z (2021) A Sakkpalota képességfejlesztő program hatásvizsgálata. Új Pedagógiai Szemle 71. évfolyam 03-04. szám.
Kertzman, S, Gyamathy E, Vainder, M, Vojtová, V, Mikulášek. L, Sirota, A, Motschnig, R, Hagelkruys, D, Lerer, B. (2017) Web-based Real-time Neuropsychological Assessment in Dyslexia. BMC Psychiatry, BPSY-D-16. ISSN 1471-244X.